Reservatórios de teste

To get involved please submit your details here or get in touch at [email protected]

Trial Reservoirs are global programmes that de-risk full scale trials of Technology Readiness Level (TRL) 8-9 technologies and methods in operational environments by enabling a trial that’s free if it fails.

Isle’s trial design and validation expertise is brought to bear by supporting the development of critical success factors and key performance indicators (KPIs) that are mutually accepted by the technology user and vendor prior to each trial, to ensure the trial provides all the data the end-user needs in order to answer the question, “can I implement this?” How does it work?

Funding is provided as an unsecured loan to the technology company to cover trial costs.

If the trial meets its pre-agreed KPIs, the user is obliged to make a meaningful commitment (usually to purchase the technology) and the technology company then repays the funds into the TR.

There are five Trial Reservoirs:

Advanced industrial water treatment solutions addressing resource recovery, emerging contaminants, waste-to-energy, circular economy, and decentralization

Technologies that mitigate climate change through either direct or indirect GHG emissions reduction

Power supply industry technologies that help reduce reliance on non-renewables

US Utilities Trial Reservoir

The trial is conducted in collaboration with a utility partner led by individuals from historically underrepresented groups or serves a community with limited access to resources within the trial’s service area. All trials are located in the US.

Benefits of our Trial Reservoir programmes

  • Provides technology companies with access to loans to pay for trials 
  • Enables end-users (such as utilities and private companies) to adopt technology with minimal financial risk
  • Ensures best practice is applied during the trial
  • Ensures implementation after the trial, provided the trial is a success 
  • A rapid and easy application process, with minimal admin

Trial Reservoir Sponsors

The Trial Reservoirs would not be possible without our amazing sponsors:-

Oldcastle Infrastructure, a new Trial Reservoir sponsor
Affinity Water

Entre em contato hoje mesmo

Descubra como a Isle pode ajudá-lo a alcançar suas ambições

Estudos de caso do mundo real

Explore como a Isle aconselha nossos clientes sobre os desafios mais importantes do mundo em termos de sustentabilidade e carbono zero líquido.

Conheça a equipe

Conheça os especialistas dedicados por trás da Isle Utilities, onde a paixão encontra a proficiência. Nossa equipe global, localizada em escritórios em todo o mundo, colabora de forma integrada para oferecer soluções inovadoras nos setores de água e meio ambiente.
Com foco na satisfação do cliente, nossos gerentes de relacionamento com o cliente garantem que cada projeto receba atenção personalizada, independentemente do local. Descubra as diversas formações e o profundo conhecimento que impulsionam nosso sucesso
Alex Cech
Alex Cech (PhD)

Chefe de Mudança e Implementação

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Antonia Frisia

Consultor de tecnologia

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Dimitra Aravani

Senior Technology Consultant

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Jezariah Garcia
Jezariah Garcia

Consultor de tecnologia

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Jo Burgess (PhD)

Serviços globais de reservatório de teste principal

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Kathleen May Faigal

Consultor de tecnologia

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Naiara Fonseca (PhD)

Consultor sênior

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Nick Blamire Brown

Consultor sênior

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Oliver Raud

Principal Consultant

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Patrick Dube (PhD)

Gerente sênior de TAG

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Piers Clark (PhD)


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Reshmina William
Reshmina William (PhD)

Gerente de projetos

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Rodrigo Valladares

Consultor de tecnologia

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Ronaldo Novaes Ferreira-Edit
Ronaldo Novaes Ferreira

Consultor de tecnologia

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Stuart Woolley

Head of Dealflow & Technology Consultant

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Thomas Jacks

Chefe do Dealflow

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Victor Arroyo

Diretor da América Latina e IFI

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