Consultor sênior
Naiara graduated as a Chemical Engineer in Spain, and she came to the UK to complete an MSc in Water and Environmental Engineering at University of Surrey. She did her MSc thesis at Thames Water Utilities on sustainable phosphorus recovery from incinerated sewage sludge ash, and has focused on sustainable wastewater treatment on her subsequent career at the same company. This included her PhD on reactive media for sustainable phosphorus removal from Cranfield University funded by Thames Water Utilities. She has also delivered the CIP2 project on the Nereda technology (aerobic granular sludge) for the Environment Agency and she has participated in odour root-cause analysis and optimisation of coagulant dosing for phosphorus removal.
Naiara is passionate about bringing innovative technologies to life which make resource recovery a reality in order to make the world a better and a more sustainable place.
PhD, Environmental Engineering Technology/Environmental Technology Cranfield University
Msc (with distinction), Water and Environmental Engineering, University of Surrey
Msc, Environmental Engineering, Universidad de Cantabria
BSc, Chemical Engineering, UPV/EHU