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Insights e tendências do setor

The Built Environment Innovation Hub “The Innovation Hub”, funded by Haringey Council, is leading the way in driving forward the market for low carbon built environment technology adoption, both across Haringey and on its own estate. Isle is contracted to manage the Innovation Hub programme.

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Anúncios da empresa

We are proud to announce the first German TAG Forum in Dusseldorf, on the 26th of November 2015.

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Anúncios da empresa

Today the Dutch company LG Sonic received the Global TAG award in the category ‘most developed technologies’. Isle’s Head of Europe Ignaz Worm was pleased to hand over the certificate to sales manager Lisa Brand.

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Eventos e conferências

Smart H2O Summit has announced a partnership with Isle Inc. that will include working together to develop a special Panel Session for the Conference Program as well as create a special Emerging Technology Pavilion in the exposition area.

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Anúncios da empresa

The Water Environment Research Foundation (WERF), has entered into a partnership with Isle Inc., an independent technology and innovation consultancy specializing in clean technologies. Under the agreement, WERF will work with Isle to develop research and demonstrations of technologies that can accelerate innovation in the water industry.

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Notícias do setor

Accelerate H20, a Texas statewide entity created to discover, promote and invest in new and existing technologies that have potential to fill demands and needs in Texas’ $9 billion water technology market has entered into a partnership with Isle Inc. an independent technology and innovation consultancy specializing in clean technologies.

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Anúncios da empresa

EU TAG 5 was hosted at ACQUEAU’s headquarters in Brussels, and has seen the attendance of 13 water utilities representatives from across EU and a great engagement from some recent members.

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Anúncios da empresa

The 35th TAG meeting took place in London on the 4th June 2014. Aqualogy, Anglian Water, Welsh Water, Scottish Water, Severn Trent Water, Northumbrian Water, Southern Water, Thames Water, United Utilities, Wessex Water and Xylem were in attendance.

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Anúncios da empresa

Isle has recently undertaken a remote sensing trial for a UK leading water utility to explore and validate the potential application of thermal imaging from an aerial perspective.

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Notícias do setor

Abu Dhabi Transmission and Despatch Company (Transco), an entity of the Department of Energy, Abu Dhabi, today signed an agreement with the ISLE Group to be the first official member of the Technology Approval Group, TAG, in the UAE.

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