Ofwat Innovation Fund: From Pipe Inspection Robots to Underwater Meadows Isle’s Caroline Wadsworth on the OIF’s next five years
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With the Ofwat Innovation Fund doubling to £400 million and extending to 2030, the opportunities for transformative solutions in the water sector are bigger than ever. As a delivery partner, Isle Utilities will lead the design and delivery of the new Implementation Programme, working alongside Challenge Works and Arup to bring groundbreaking ideas to life.

We sat down with Caroline Wadsworth, Director of Innovation Partnerships at Isle, to discuss what this means for the future of water innovation—from smart leak detection and pipebots to nature-based solutions like seagrass restoration.

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Oldcastle Infrastructure, a new Trial Reservoir sponsor
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A Oldcastle Infrastructure juntou-se à equipe do Trial Reservoir como um novo patrocinador com um interesse especial em nossa mais recente aventura, um Trial Reservoir que apoia empresas de serviços públicos lideradas por minorias nos EUA.

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Isles Cranfield University Site visit co-hosted by the Institute of Water
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Nossa equipe experimentou em primeira mão a pesquisa pioneira e as instalações de ponta em Cranfield, incluindo a UKCRIC National Research Facility for Water and Wastewater Treatment e as instalações de Crescimento de Plantas e Gerenciamento de Solo.

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