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Nossa página de notícias é sua porta de entrada para o mundo de insights, inovações e soluções impactantes da Isle. Aqui, não apenas concedemos acesso às apresentações e aos eventos que organizamos, mas também fornecemos uma prévia dos empolgantes eventos futuros que estão no nosso horizonte. Como uma consultoria global dedicada a promover o progresso, temos o compromisso de mantê-lo informado sobre as questões mais urgentes e as tendências transformadoras que moldam nosso mundo interconectado.

Explore uma gama diversificada de tópicos, desde estratégias de sustentabilidade e iniciativas de rede zero até soluções de tecnologia de ponta. Mergulhe em histórias de sucesso que demonstram nosso compromisso inabalável de capacitar as empresas do setor de água e serviços públicos.

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Anúncios da empresa

More than 550 professionals from water companies, regulatory bodies and consultancy companies to contractors and suppliers were in attendance at the UK Water Industry Awards 2018 organised by WET News and Water & Wastewater Treatment and back for the 12th year running.

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Anúncios da empresa

The H2020 Run4Life project is organising a Stakeholder Engagement Workshop as a side event at the IFAT trade fair in Munich, on May 17th. Everyone with an interest in nutrient recovery is invited to take part in this inspiring event. The programme includes a wide variety of speakers ensuring that it will be a very interesting morning.

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Anúncios da empresa

George Hawkins, a leading voice for utility innovation, has joined Isle Utilities as Chair of its North American operations, effective immediately. As Chair, George will support the growth of Isle’s services to help assess, identify and implement appropriate innovations to utilities and other end users, and drive new initiatives to elevate Isle’s global brand awareness.

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Notícias do setor

The project INCOVER (Innovative Eco-Technologies for Resource Recovery from Wastewater) aims at developing innovative technologies for wastewater treatment, to recover added-value bioproducts and energy from wastewater, contributing to a circular economy flow. They have developed a video detailing the project.

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Eventos e conferências

The competition and pavilion showcased the “best of the best” in the world of water technology. Three competitions over three separate days, covering Municipal, Real Estate and Public Use, and Industrial innovations respectively. With three categories we were able to showcase very diverse trends and technologies.

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Anúncios da empresa

Innovation, leadership, finance, exposure – what are the main principals behind a successful business?

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