Vea cómo resolvemos los retos actuales aprovechando el poder de las tecnologías consolidadas y de vanguardia.

The Northeast TAG 34 Meeting is being hosted by WSSC Water in Laurel, Maryland and is for TAG Members and Invited Guests only.
The Southeast TAG 37 Meeting is being hosted by Clayton County Water Authority in Morrow, Georgia and is for TAG Members and Invited Guests only.
The Midwest TAG 35 Meeting is being hosted by the City of Columbus in Columbus, Ohio and is for TAG Members and Invited Guests only.
The Western Water TAG 38 Meeting is being hosted by Metropolitan Water District of Southern California in Los Angeles, California and is for TAG Members and Invited Guests only.
The Western Wastewater TAG 42 Meeting is being hosted by Orange County Sanitation District in Fountain Valley, California and is for TAG Members and Invited Guests only.
The NorCal TAG 35 Meeting is being hosted by Contra Costa Water District in Concord, California and is for TAG Members and Invited Guests only.
Join Isle in collaboration with WSSC as we bring together peer utilities and vendors to discuss the future of AMI in the industry.
Isle powers the Innovation Hub at the American Water Works Association's Annual Conference & Exposition. The Innovation Hub features dedicated space for emerging solution providers seeking to showcase their technologies in the exhibit hall of this major industry conference..
Únase a nosotros en una reunión de las empresas de agua y alcantarillado del Reino Unido, en la que los líderes del sector se reúnen para compartir ideas innovadoras y estudios de casos prácticos.