This time last month we shared entries of those staff members who wished to be launched into space* to experience both weightlessness and G-Force, accompanied by the company SpaceBuzz. Shaunna, Isle’s Business and Marketing manager, won this unique opportunity and rocketed off to Bordeaux, one of three places around the world that partake in such daredevil flights. Read more about it here.

Shaunna reported no vomiting and said “for me, stranger than the weightlessness was the G-Force impact on your body. When astronauts in rockets are launched into space, they experience 1.3G’s, in the vomit comet you experience 1.5G’s. The sensation on your body is indescribable and, as it turns out, incomprehensible for those who haven’t experienced it. Whilst in Bordeaux, I also had the opportunity to find out about SpaceBuzz’s plan of education domination and what a fantastic program it is. Getting the next generation to become planet ambassadors and teaching them global impacts and consequences in an exciting and engaging way might have the chance to stop our sickly planet from deteriorating further”.