Plataforma de Inovação em Água: México

Promoting Innovation in Mexico’s Water and Sanitation Sector.

Discover how our collaboration with Mexican utilities in the water and sanitation sector led to the promotion of innovation through workshops and customized technological solutions. This case study highlights our engagement with the Water Innovation Platform Mexico, where needs identification workshops were organized to address pressing challenges. Through insightful interactions and focused efforts, we successfully prioritized top areas for technological solutions, fostering a culture of innovation in the region’s water and sanitation industry.

Benefits of Approach/Innovation:

Focused Needs Identification: Needs identification workshops engaged participating utilities to pinpoint critical challenges, ensuring a targeted approach to innovation.

Collaborative Prioritization: Through voting, utilities collectively prioritized top areas of focus, streamlining efforts toward high-impact solutions.

Top Priority Areas: The project spotlighted pressing concerns such as; leak identification, digitization & quality monitoring, wastewater treatment, reuse technologies, emerging contaminants, and commercial management models.

Utility Engagement: 66 collaborators from 33 utilities actively participated, fostering a culture of engagement and co-creation.

Immediate Implementation: One utility swiftly embraced a technology showcased at the Technology Approval Group (TAG) event, aiming to improve commercial management and client service.

Empowerment through Seminars: Six seminars equipped participants with vital methodologies, enabling them to validate, finance, and execute innovative pilots.

Serviços especializados envolvidos:

Needs Identification Workshops: Orchestrated workshops to facilitate needs identification, engaging utilities to voice their challenges in the water and sanitation sector in Latin America.

Collaborative Prioritization: Employed a voting process to collectively prioritize technology areas for further exploration.

Technology Approval Group (TAG): Organized TAG events to showcase and discuss technology solutions aligned with prioritized challenges.

Utility Engagement: Engaged a diverse range of collaborators from utilities, fostering a collaborative innovation ecosystem.

Seminar Facilitation: Conducted seminars to equip participants with methodologies for validation design, funding identification, and piloting.


Targeted Innovation: Utilities identified and prioritized pressing challenges, promoting focused and impactful technology solutions.

Rapid Implementation: Immediate interest from a utility led to the piloting of a software solution within the drinking water network, for enhanced commercial and client management.

Capacity Building: Seminars empowered participants with methodologies to validate, finance, and execute innovative pilot projects.

Key Contact:

Rodrigo Valladares Linares

Water Innovation Platform Mexico site

Webinar Series:

  1. Webinar 1 – Tendencias en el Sector de Agua y Saneamiento
  2. Webinar 2 – Metodología de Detección de Oportunidades
  3. Webinar 3 – Diseño de Validaciones y Pilotos
  4. Webinar 4 – Oportunidades de cooperación y financiamiento
  5. Webinar 5 – Transformación Digital en el Sector de Agua 
  6. Webinar 6 – Water Action Platform 32 Latin America
Serviço em destaque
Esse projeto identificou os principais desafios de água e saneamento, propôs soluções tecnológicas e as apresentou às concessionárias de água mexicanas. Ao mesmo tempo, foram organizados seminários virtuais para promover a inovação regionalmente na América Latina.
Identified and prioritized pressing water challenges and solutions
Cultivated industry innovation culture
Enabled rapid implementation of solutions
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