Avaliação das necessidades de biossólidos de água: Monterey One Water

Monterey One Water: Water Biosolids Needs Assessment and Tech Scan/Comparative Analysis 

Isle Utilities supported Monterey One Water to evaluate biosolids processing solution providers that are open to forming a public-private partnership, finance the project, and sell recovered resources.

Conducting a comprehensive biosolids needs assessment and technology scan/comparative analysis for Monterey One Water to address organics diversion requirements and explore suitable biosolids processing solutions.

Benefits of Approach/Innovation:

Informed Decision-Making: The comprehensive study of global technology adoption trends, combined with the needs assessment. Empowering stakeholders with well-rounded insights to make informed decisions.

Stakeholder Collaboration: The needs assessment facilitated collaboration among various stakeholders. Ensuring stakeholder input was considered in aligning technology trends and focus areas.

Strategic Alignment: Important project stakeholders were engaged in discussions about technology trends and needs assessment results.  Leading the discussions to a strategic alignment of the technology scan’s focus area.

Holistic Technology Exploration: The global technology scan explored a diverse range of public-private partnership technologies, expanding the horizon for potential solutions.

Effective Shortlisting: The facilitated shortlisting process ensured that 22 relevant technologies from 7 countries were considered, narrowing down the options for in-depth evaluation.

Objective Evaluation: The RFI process and objective ranking of shortlisted vendors added a layer of objectivity to the evaluation process, enhancing the credibility of the chosen solutions.

Actionable Insights: The drafted summary report presented concise yet comprehensive insights, providing actionable information for internal decision-making and future steps.

Serviços especializados envolvidos:

Avaliação de tecnologia: Isle Analyzed global technology adoption trends for biosolids treatment. The study focused on conventional methods and innovative solutions.

Needs Assessment: Performed a needs assessment to gather input from various stakeholders, ensuring a well-rounded understanding of requirements and expectations.

Stakeholder Engagement: Engaged important project stakeholders in discussions about technology trends and needs assessment results. Aligned on the technology scan focus area based on the discussions.

Global Technology Scan: Conducted a thorough global technology scan to identify relevant public-private partnership technologies from different countries.

Shortlisting Facilitation: Isle first contacted 60 technologies based on the scan focus area. Next, Isle Utilities filtered the list based on the evaluation criteria. Furthermore, a final 22 relevant options were narrowed down for further evaluation.

Detailed Evaluation: Conducted an in-depth evaluation of the shortlisted technologies through an RFI process, comparing them against utility-defined criteria.

Objective Ranking: Objectively ranked shortlisted vendors based on evaluation results, enhancing the credibility of the selected solutions.

Summary Report: Drafted a comprehensive summary report that synthesized key findings and insights, providing actionable information for internal decision-making.



Clear Understanding: The needs assessment provided Monterey One Water with a comprehensive understanding of their organics diversion requirements and biosolids processing challenges.

Technology Options: The technology scan and comparative analysis provided Monterey One Water with a range of biosolids processing solutions. This helped them make informed decisions about their biosolids management.

Resource Optimization: By focusing on tailored solutions, Monterey One Water could allocate resources efficiently, ensuring effective and relevant investments.

Regulatory Compliance: The initiative positioned Monterey One Water to adhere to upcoming legislative requirements regarding organics diversion.

Preparedness: Armed with insights from the assessment and analysis, Monterey One Water is able to implement suitable biosolids processing solutions.


Key Contact:

Alejandro Toro

Serviço em destaque
A Isle forneceu à Monterey One Water uma avaliação independente de parcerias público-privadas para financiar um processo de tratamento de biossólidos necessário para interromper o descarte de biossólidos em aterros sanitários e atender à legislação estadual.
Evaluated biosolids processing partnership options and conducted comprehensive needs and tech assessment
Facilitated stakeholder collaboration for decision making
Offered concise, comprehensive insights with actionable future steps
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