Novos negócios de serviços de energia

Design of a new sustainability business for an infrastructure services company

MHC worked with a utilities services provider to design a new sustainable energy business focused on private networks, DER and storage solutions.

The work occurred over several stages.
Stage 1 was to evaluate the opportunity to develop a new business model and entailed an assessment of the market gap and opportunities.
Stage 2 was to design an optimal organizational design including people, process and technology to deliver the business model. A high level business case was developed.
Stage 3 was focused on detailed economic modelling of the proposition at a site-by-site level.

The business has been subsequently launched. People are being recruited to roles and a plan in place to grow the market.


Serviço em destaque
Este projeto ajudou a projetar um novo negócio para uma empresa tradicional de gerenciamento de infraestrutura. O negócio foi oficialmente lançado, o recrutamento ativo está em andamento e há um plano para expandir o mercado.
Estudos de caso semelhantes