A Isle Utilities apóia a startup da TDK para encontrar uma solução inovadora de destruição de PFAS

A Isle Utilities apóia a startup da TDK para encontrar uma solução inovadora de destruição de PFAS

Innovative electrochemical solution brings further hope in PFAS destruction.

Widespread use of PFAS or “forever chemicals” has led to environmental and health concerns globally. Many countries are now taking steps to address their impact. Isle collaborated with TDK’s internal startup, Suiki, to introduce an innovative PFAS destruction solution and enter the global water market. With Isle’s help, Suiki has secured significant seed funding to develop their hardware solution and accelerate market entry.

Benefits of approach/innovation

Water sector knowledge transfer: Isle held a symposium to update Suiki’s team with current research and technological/regulatory drivers for CECs. From science to environmental impacts, this helped the team understand the complexities and nuances of the problem space.

Stakeholder engagement and lead generation: We leveraged our extensive network of water sector professionals to accelerate Suiki’s product and business model development.

User-centered design; design-led innovation: This model allowed us to help Suiki craft the vision, narrative and mission of the product and their startup. We were also able to target real-life pain points their solution needed to address, accelerating development time. A demand-driven pull (vs supply-led push) helped design a solution that directly met the needs of their early adopting clients.

Deep partnership: By supporting Suiki’s team from a “co-preneur” perspective, our team was seamlessly embedded in all aspects of the startup. This included being present in executive-facing meetings and the board pitches that secured the investment.

Specialist services involved

Innovation advisory services: We successfully supported Suiki’s accelerated market entry and sustained growth in the global water market.

Competitive analysis and technology landscape mapping: This allowed us to enhance understanding and positioning of Suiki’s USP, along with its competitive advantages and differentiators.

Regulatory analysis: Our in-depth analysis highlighted regulatory and legal frameworks and future drivers influencing Suiki’s product development roadmap and market entry.

Business model and go-to-market strategy support: We ensured Suiki’s services are competitive and meet the water sector’s needs from a product and regulatory requirement perspective.

Agile project management: We partnered with Suiki at all levels, overseeing internal teams and showcasing their team at leading international conferences for exposure. This approach helped increase their capacity as well as accelerating their market entry and product development times.


Accelerated market entry: Through Isle’s contacts Suiki are collaborating with leading global utilities and industrial companies to test and trial their solution. We have also helped secure high-profile clients to support their trial process.

Securing seed investment: We helped Suiki secure significant seed investment, internally from TDK, to develop the product and grow their operations.

Providing an environmental and social contribution: As an impact-driven start-up, Suiki is looking to create value environmentally and socially as well as economically. This includes contributing to the solution of a vast, intractable issue, aligning with Isle’s vision and mission.

Key contact

For inquiries and further information, please contact Oli Raud, Principal Consultant at Isle Utilities and Lauren Former, PFAS and technical advisor/SME at Isle Utilities.

Serviço em destaque
A Isle Utilities apoiou a Suiki, startup da TDK, para entrar no mercado global de água e garantir um investimento significativo para desenvolver, testar e experimentar uma solução inovadora de destruição de PFAS.
Supported Suiki to secure significant seed funding to accelerate market entry
Enhanced Suiki’s USP through analysis and technology landscape mapping
Ensured Suiki’s services are competitive and fit industry needs
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