Isle Utilities is excited to announce its involvement as an expert advisor to support the Office of Green Industries South Australia (GISA) in its delivery of the South Australian Government Trade Waste Initiative.
Isle Utilities is excited to announce its involvement as an expert advisor to support the Office of Green Industries South Australia (GISA) in its delivery of the South Australian Government Trade Waste Initiative.
The Trade Waste Initiative is a two-year program that aims to help South Australian businesses make improvements to the way trade waste is managed by
focusing on the quality and quantity of waste produced, reducing operating costs, and increasing productivity by improving the way materials, energy and water are used.
The initiative has two components for eligible businesses;
- Resource Productivity Assessments, which help businesses to identify opportunities for improving trade waste management, and
- Food and Beverage Implementation Grants, which offer food and beverage businesses to implement trade waste reduction initiatives at a reduced cost.
Grant funding to cover up to 50% of trade waste improvement activities and resource productivity assessments will be awarded to successful applicants.
Isle’s involvement in the delivery of the initiative will ensure that GISA and South Australian businesses are adequately supported in their decision to invest in trade waste infrastructure and related activities.