Technology Case Study: Inflowmatix’s Journey

Isle are delighted to share a short study on the journey taken by Inflowmatix after their involvement with Isle through the European TAG programme.

Isle are delighted to share a short study on the journey taken by Inflowmatix after their involvement with Isle through the European TAG programme.

Inflowmatix presented InflowSysTM at European Water TAG in Leuven, March 2018. Inflowmatix has created advanced analytics solutions that help operators control and calm water network pressures and optimise their services to keep customers supplied. Using low cost, high frequency pressure measurement equipment they provide detailed insights into the network‘s behaviour. These include events such as pressure surges, unusual usage patterns, negative pressures and asset misbehaviours – mapping these risks and giving infrastructure owners the opportunity to take corrective or pre-emptive action to implement pressure calming control strategies.

Presenting at European Water TAG has brought Inflowmatix a range of positive outcomes. Robin Bell, COO at Inflowmatix, said, “In our start-up phase, Isle helped Inflowmatix showcase our technology to utilities across the world. As we scale our business we continue to work with Isle to ensure our solutions meet the ever more challenging needs of our customers.”

New opportunities with water utilities

After their presentation, Inflowmatix received immediate interest from an Italian TAG member present at the meeting. Isle then connected Inflowmatix to the Italian market by inviting them to present at a training event in Ravenna, Italy, and an order from the TAG member soon followed. This member was initially planning to use a different solution but Inflowmatix’s presentation and the subsequent follow up changed their minds. This order more than made up for the travel and accommodation costs of attending the TAG meeting.

Inflowmatix’s presentation at the training event in Ravenna has also led to Inflowmatix launching a Calm Networks solution in Italy combining forces with Suez and Cla-Val/Raci.

Increased visibility in the global market

Presenting at TAG helped raise Inflowmatix’s profile in the global market, such that Black and Veatch reached out to express an interest in their solutions. Black and Veatch and Inflowmatix have subsequently launched a joint offering at the Global Leakage Summit in June 2019.

New opportunities with technology companies

At a TAG meeting, five technology companies come to present their solution to the European water industry. This provides an excellent opportunity for technology companies to network with those providing solutions that may complement their own. Inflowmatix took such initiative and are now exploring an opportunity to partner with a technology company present at the meeting. This is complementary to their offering and addresses the leakage challenge faced by utilities across the world.

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