April 9, 2025

Morrow, GA


Southeast TAG 37

April 9 – 10, 2025
Clayton County Water Authority
Morrow, GA

Sobre el acto

The Southeast TAG 37 Meeting is being hosted by Clayton County Water Authority in Morrow, Georgia and is for TAG Members and Invited Guests only.

La reunión comenzará puntualmente a las 9:00 a.m. ET y se clausurará a las 3:00 p.m. ET.

Acerca de TAG

The Technology Approval Group (TAG) convenes regional water and wastewater utilities several times a year to learn about novel technologies, identify project opportunities, and share experiences. With more than 300 participating utilities worldwide, the TAG program is a regionally focused technology scouting and peer collaboration resource that leverages a global utility network to de-risk new technology and promote best practice.


Si tiene alguna pregunta sobre TAG o está interesado en la oportunidad de presentar, por favor póngase en contacto con Greg McNelly en [email protected].

This event is hosted by the Isle team in the United States. To stay informed about future Isle USA events, please subscribe to the newsletter aquí. Note: If you are a TAG Member and not receiving the Isle USA TAG Member newsletter, please contact Amelia Mioranza at [email protected]
