Semiconductor Water Management Optimization

Semiconductor Water Management Optimization: The Business of Saving Water

Isle’s innovative strategy for semiconductor water management optimization

Water is an essential ingredient for business operations. Globally, companies are increasingly recognising that water scarcity threatens their long-term survival and future growth.

ST Microelectronics (STM) is a multi-billion-dollar semiconductor manufacturer with 11 sites and 46,000 employees worldwide. As semiconductor production consumes vast amounts of highly purified water, STM set on a mission to become more water efficient. Isle was commissioned to help STM’s Catania site achieve a 20% water reduction by 2025. The Catania site has almost 5,000 employees and currently consumes an average of 1760 gallons/min of freshwater.

Isle worked with STM to design water saving scenarios using cutting edge technology to meet stringent efficiency goals in semiconductor production. The initiative targeted substantial water reductions at the Catania site. Our work also featured a strategic update of the water balance and proactive engagement with site staff. 

Our team identified different scenarios using innovative water technologies that could achieve water savings up to 35% with a payback period of less than three years.

Benefits of Approach/Innovation
  • Resource Optimisation: Our team identified an accurate water balance identifying water uses and quality, highlighting reuse opportunities.
  • Business Case Development: Working alongside STM staff, we selected the most promising water saving scenarios for which business cases were developed.
  • Strategic Investment: Recommended capital investments that offer best value for scalable water tech solutions.
Specialist Services Involved:
  • Water Balance Analysis: Our team detailed current usage and guided a comprehensive measuring campaign.
  • Scenario Planning: We developed business cases for three high-impact water saving scenarios.
  • Facilitating expert collaboration: By working closely with local and corporate STM staff, we developed and recommended effective business cases for water reduction.
  • Technology Validation: Prepared pilot tests with innovative water treatment technologies, ensuring technologies could be assessed and validated prior to investment.
  • Risk Management: Enhanced understanding of water sourcing and risk, safeguarding against supply disruptions.
  • Innovative Water Tech: Identified innovative water technology scenarios with potential water savings up to 1,226,000 m3/year. These come with attractive ROIs of between 1.6 and 4.4. years.
Key Contacts:

For enquiries and further information, please contact Carles Crespo, Director of Corporate Industrial Water Practice at Isle Utilities.


Sustainable Development Goals
Service Spotlight
Isle was commissioned to help STM’s Catania reduce water in semiconductor production by 20% by 2025. Our team identified technologies that could reduce water use by 35%.
Isle identified an accurate water balance identifying water uses and quality, highlighting reuse opportunities.
We worked closely with STM staff to select the most promising water saving scenarios for which we developed business cases.
Isle identified different scenarios using innovative water technologies that could help STM achieve water savings up to 35%. These involve a payback period of less than three years.
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